Monday, May 7, 2007


I know, I know...It's been a while. Too long really. What can I say? We've been busy. First I got married, then we realized when you're married you live together so we moved the hubby up to the farm, then we travelled, and now he's gone to Europe for two months. Add to that the arrival of my brother and nephew, complications involved there, and running a truffle farm starts to seem a bit trivial.

Good news is that things have settled down for a while and the first sign of spring, in the form of grazing sheep, is here!
Yes, those little blobs in the distance beind the farm are sheep. It's open grazing territory out here so they just kind of roam around in the spring helping with yardwork. Fortunately the sheephearders put up a little fence to block them from invading the farm. Here's another view of them:
They've been around for a few days and it is kind of nice sitting out watching them.

In other news, I found my first sign of fungus on the farm while I was out laying drip line the other week:
See it at the bottom? A dried mushroom. Nope, not the valuable kind. Hopefully it's a sign of fungus to come!!! Oooh, and look at that lovely drip line. Such nice work...

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